Ken Biddington: Pioneering Commercial Construction Training in Haiti


A firsthand account of transformative education by Ken Biddington

My wife and I recently returned from Haiti, our hearts filled with hope, inspiration, and a resolute commitment to continue fighting with Lakou. As we immersed ourselves in the vibrant culture and warm community, we also witnessed the immense potential that lies within the Haitian people and their undying spirit. We've seen firsthand the transformative power of vocational education in adults.

Haiti, despite its beauty and rich cultural heritage, has faced challenges that have shaken its core; particularly the devastating earthquakes that have left indelible marks throughout the country. It is here that Lakou has identified a critical need - a need for top-of-the-line construction education and a strong emphasis on building codes.

Let's make one thing clear: buildings do not kill people during earthquakes; improperly built structures do. Through Lakou, we are challenging this perilous status quo. Our mission is not only to teach construction skills but to instill a deep understanding and respect for proper building codes and safe construction practices. The goal is not just to erect buildings but to create safe, resilient structures that can stand firm against the forces of nature.

To achieve this, we offer certified construction training to Haitians, equipping them with vital skills that enable them to gain employment, generate income, and secure their families' futures. This fight isn't just about job creation; it's about reshaping Haiti's landscape with safer buildings and, in turn, creating a more disaster-resilient nation. It's about empowering Haitians to be the change they want to see, one brick at a time.

The magic happens when you combine our mission with the Competency-Based Model. It's a teaching approach that focuses on the practical application of skills in real-world settings. It’s not yet common in Haiti, but we've seen its impact. On real construction sites, our students experience the true essence of their trade, transforming learning into a tangible, impactful experience. This immersive approach does more than teach - it builds confidence, instills pride, and fosters a deeper appreciation for their craft.

This fall, we are excited to expand our reach by adding another cohort to our program. More students will get to experience this transformative education, sparking a ripple effect that extends beyond their own lives into their families and communities.

Many people may have 'donor fatigue' when it comes to Haiti, but we urge you not to turn away. The need is still there, and your support can make a real difference. At Lakou, every contribution doesn't just give; it invests. It invests in skills, in safety, in resilience, and in a stronger future for Haiti.